Born Beautiful story @theblondetrip

Posted by Hoan Nguyen on


Tell us about yourself in 50 words or less. We want to know one or two things that you'd want someone to know about you?

I love fashion, beauty, food and traveling! I grew up living all over the world due to my dads job working for the government, so I graduated high school in Brussels, Belgium!

What are you most grateful for in life?

My fiance, friends and family.

Who do you find beautiful – and what makes them beautiful to you?

I find Sophia Bush to be SO beautiful because of her natural beauty, confidence and supportive personality. Being beautiful is more than just how you look on the outside!

Was there ever a time that you felt ugly? What happened and how did you react?

Of course, but then I remember that no one is perfect and we all have flaws!

Based on the time above, when did you realize that you were beautiful?

Late teens.

What makes you beautiful?

I'm more than just my appearance, it goes deeper and I believe that when you're positive and uplifting people are gravitated to that beauty.

How has your idea of beauty changed over the years?

So's been in realizing who I am and what's important in life.

If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don't judge yourself so harshly!

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