Born Beautiful story @thegoldlines

Posted by Hoan Nguyen on


Tell us about yourself in 50 words or less. We want to know one or two things that you'd want someone to know about you?

I am an opportunist, explorer and female engineer. I see the good in the world and the good in people. I am a go-getter and a never give-up type of woman. Most of all, I am ambitious, I want to learn new languages, explore new places, mentor young students. I want to reach the stars. I will reach the stars.

What are you most grateful for in life?

I am most grateful for my parents for pushing me through my adolescents and making me the person I am today. They always showed me that anything is possible for me and I grew up with the biggest dreams that are now my reality.

Who do you find beautiful – and what makes them beautiful to you?

My mother is the most beautiful person in this world. She is selfless, caring and the most loving person on this planet. She is beautiful because her heart shows right through her. She is a kind soul in this world of chaos.

Was there ever a time that you felt ugly? What happened and how did you react?

Many times growing up I didn't feel beautiful. I was a mixed race child and "overweight." I was bullied a lot and it made me loose focus of my goals and care about appearances. I cried a lot and hurt inside. But I soon learned that looks are what mattered, nor was anybody else opinions.

Based on the time above, when did you realize that you were beautiful?

I realized I was beautiful through excelling in my academics. I began to appreciate myself and how it got me there. I learned beauty wasn't a physical trait but more of a personal one.

What makes you beautiful?

I am beautiful through my smile. I radiate positivity through it. I show my heart to the people I interact with. I try to instill a sense of calmness and understanding through my personality. I am beautiful because I am me.

How has your idea of beauty changed over the years?

Over the years I have learned so much about beauty. It isn't what you see on the outside, but rather how you feel on the inside and then that shows. I learned that loving yourself is the first step of finding beauty. Beautiful is different to everyone and applied to everyone.

If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Never loose site of who you are what your goals are, the rest will follow. Be in love with yourself and always try new things even if it makes you uncomfortable. You will always learn something and grow that much more aware from experiencing it. Love yourself, because this is the one body you get to have so make it shine.

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